Automatic paper storage in Osterdamme
The moment has arrived yet again! We are expanding our company premises in Osterdamme and adding an automatic paper storage warehouse (APL). This investment will enable us to ensure the supply of raw paper to the two corrugators and the supply of raw materials to the second plant in Niedersachsen Park.
For this reason, we will locate the APL in the southern area of the site, close to the corrugator. Last fall, we were able to acquire the 17-acre site from the municipality of Damme. Access will also be via the gatehouse in Borringhausener Straße.
The building complex will consist of two parts. One part will be a twelve-meter-high goods receiving area and the other a 27-meter-high crane warehouse. In total, the new building will be 180 meters long and 25 meters wide. There is no doubt that the building will fit into the current overall picture.
We are looking forward to tackling this project as early as next spring. We expect the construction phase to last 15 months so that the new automated paper warehouse can be put into operation in the fall of 2025.
Graphik: BHM Ingenieure, Feldkirch, Austria